Sorry, the Business GPS Action Circle is not open yet. To get priority notification for the next group, sign up below.


The main reason why you’re not selling is because what you sell  is either the wrong price, is being positioned wrong and/or is being packaged in a way that actually repels instead of attracts potential buyers.

In other words – your business model is broken.

The Business GPS Action Circle: My Fix for the Broken Business Model

Just like a GPSbizgps is a device that’s used to trace your current location and receive turn-by-turn directions – my action circle is designed to help local-based businesses automatically attract better paying clients that gladly refer them.

This is an action circle in the truest sense of the words. You will work on your business (not just get training or information) by putting a marketing and sales system in place and measuring your results before the end of our time together. You will also get real time feedback to stay in action. The Action Circle is a couple of months in New Orleans.


But first, who am I and why should you care?

speakingMy name is Désirée Young. And for the past 10 years,  I’ve helped entrepreneurs stop struggling to be in business and start thriving in building a business that supports them. I’ve  worked with over 27 different industries and seen entrepreneurs boast record increases in sales, gain nation-wide product placement, get projects funded and a achieve an overall sense of control over how to expand their businesses. My products have enabled dozens to win pitch contests, get capital for their causes and attract loyal clients.


I know what it means to market and grow small businesses. But I also know that most business owners confuse marketing with building a business that makes them money. And truth be told, some won’t ever find their way to a business that supports them. That’s what my Business GPS Action Circle is all about.

My Business GPS Action Circle is for you if YOU:

  • Struggle to attract enough customers and make enough sales to support the business and you
  • Are a primarily service-based business (it’s ok if you have products or are looking to sell products but this isn’t ideal for those who are exclusively retailers)
  • Stumble with the right words to say or sell what you do or take the easy route and wind up sounding like a ‘me, too’ brand
  • Are directly involved in attracting clients and selling but desperately need to become better
  • Want to sell to other businesses, companies or simply people who value quality and have the income to spend on it
  • Have a traditional J-O-B and only work part-time in your business OR work full-time in your business but want to get your business to financially support you in a stronger way
  • Have 1 primary customer or client supporting your business and if they leave, your business leaves too
  • Juggle way too many ideas that look like money-making opportunities but need a way to know for sure and understand what to move on first
  • Feel like you’ve wasted lots of time AND money on different types of marketing following what others said you should do but don’t have any more sales to show for it all
  • Know your money and time is limited and you want to learn how to do it yourself to save
  • See things are starting to move and take off (somewhat) but you want to make sure this momentum actually pays off for you this time

Arrow - Red

What will we cover?


In Part 1, you will:
    • Construct a real vision for your business that supports you with money and mission
    • Identify  your most profitable positioning, your overriding offer and your ideal, paying customer so you naturally attract people and avoid trying to sell to everyone
    • Create and launch the first phase of your sales and marketing campaign that connects you to buyers and primes them to pay you

 In Part 2, you will:

    • Develop your pricing and packaging for your  services to provide income now and in the future
    • Communicate who you are and how you’re different from everyone else
    • Initiate and setup your top promotion strategies to attract ideal customers, keep them interested and get them to return or gladly refer others to you

Icon - DollarSo how much does this cost?

Many are accustomed to no-cost training. And some of it is good. The problem is that most of it is basically a bunch of seminars taught by so-called practitioners (not speakers) that give you a to-do list as long as Wikipedia with more info than you know what to do with – In other words, the drink-from-a-fire-hose method. And beyond learning you must figure out how to get it all done.

Most training is free but doesn’t put money in your business and is costly on the back end.

Then there’s hiring someone to do it for you  – i.e., an intern, designer, consultant – to do the work FOR you. This can be good but it can also be costly – really costly.

When you hire someone else, you may have to pay way more than your budget can bear. I recently learned of a 3 month SEO for small businesses service that cost $5000, and no, there was nothing done-for-you just meetings to tell you what to do. And my own done-for-you services currently start at an average of $4500.

My Business GPS Action Circle is that sweet spot between these 2 extremes. But actual pricing will become available when the program opens, So sign up below to get priority notification.

This is the Year to Finally Build a Business that Supports You.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Hand Drawn Maroon

IF by the end of the first session you decide you don’t want to continue with the rest of the program, you can exit the program and not be charged anything more  – no questions asked.



Action Circle-BASIC
  • In-person and virtual workshops
  • Q&A group sessions
  • Monthly assignments and action teams
  • Done-FOR-you resources (Value $1500)
Action Circle-ELITE
  • All that’s in the Action Circle-BASIC
  • Private coaching sessions (Value $790)–50 minutes each
  • Marketing make-overs (Value $390)–review of any sales/marketing materials
  • Private email support
Do Nothing $0
  • Struggle to attract quality clients
  • Keep a side J-O-B or continue to borrow from family and friends
  • Stay frustrated and potentially miss building your business to the level it can grow.
  • Continue to go in circles, spending more time, money and energy than needed.

What you’ll receive:

Having worked with several training and business-building programs – This is NOT the same old same old. We will literally redesign how your business makes money and launch your marketing – together, during the 5 months. The outcome?  Automatically attract better paying clients that buy and gladly refer you.


General Icons-03A combo of in-person and virtual workshops that go in-depth into my roadmap to growth success system for small local-based business owners.


Assignments and teams to stay in action. No, this isn’t homework. It’s simple, clear steps to keep you on track and in action at your own pace. You’ll team with other like-minded, business – complementary members to stay accountable.


General Icons-13Monthly Q&A group sessions to address answers to your specific challenges and give you coaching, encouragement and ideas to keep moving forward. These will be recorded.


Done-FOR-you resources such as templates and checklists (Valued at $1500). This includes some of the exact tools I use to launch plans for small business clients to increase sales, like: press release, social networking and email message templates; Step-by-step tutorials for advertising; Sales forecasting and growth dashboard tools; And more…

I stand behind the programs and services I offer. If you want to talk about if this is a good fit for you, call me at 504-298-9255 or email me at grow [at] venturewalk [dot] com.